Local Wins

Here's some info on what we've been getting on with in our local community:

Boronia Station Precinct - Early Designs Released

Major upgrade to Boronia Station!

Detailed Planning Underway


Delivering a better intersection at Burwood Highway


Free Kinder has started and we're building a new kinder in Boronia!



Reimagining Lewis Park and Blind Creek



Major Upgrade of Wantirna College

Construction Underway


New public aged care facility in Wantirna



A new playground at Kent Park Primary School!



$11.07 million upgrade for Bayswater South Primary!

Planning Underway

A new pavilion at Tormore Reserve, Boronia

Construction Underway


Building the North East Link, to get you to the city sooner

Works Underway


Rebuilding the Maroondah Hospital

Planning Underway

Major Upgrade of St Joseph's Primary School, Boronia

Planning Underway


Over $5 million to bring Change to Boronia


Expansion to the Angliss Hospital!

Construction Underway

Rebuilding Templeton Primary


Brand new facilities for The Basin CFA brigade and Knox SES unit

Knox SES: Completed

The Basin CFA: Final Planning Underway

Rebuilding Bayswater Primary School!



$5 Million to build the new Knox Regional Netball Centre


Rebuilding Bayswater Secondary



$8.07 million for modernisation and upgrade of Fairhills High School!


Major Upgrade of Boronia West Primary School


The Basin Primary School new oval, playground and carparks


St. Bernadette's Primary School new senior building



New Knox Library


New Double Storey Pavilion at JW Manson Reserve, Wantirna


Fixing up one of our problem intersections at Alchester Village, in Boronia!

Construction Underway

New Home of Australian Basketball


And the following are a few other projects that are part of the Allan Labor Government's Investment into the local area:


✅ Removed the Bayswater Level Crossings – and removing 110 others around Melbourne, to get you home safer and sooner

✅ Removing the Level Crossing at Bedford Road, Ringwood to make the Belgrave Line level crossing free from Ferntree Gully to the City!

✅ Delivered mental health practitioners to every local secondary school

✅ Bringing back the SEC (State Electricity Commission) and investing an initial $1 billion to deliver 4.5 gigawatts of renewable energy

✅ Doubled funding for disability inclusion in every local government school

✅ Upgraded Heathmont Station

✅ Delivered $178,000 for a brand new, all abilities inclusive play space at Bayswater West Primary School

✅ Close to $500,000 for new toilet and bathroom facilities at Regency Park Primary School

✅ $5.3 billion to deliver 12,000 new social housing dwellings to put a roof over the head of those who need it most and creating 10,000 jobs a year for four years

✅ New lighting for the greens at the Bayswater Bowls Club!

✅ Delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars to back in our ripper local clubs, including the Boronia Hawks, St. Andrews Cricket Club, Melbourne East Netball Association, Eastern Raptors Rugby League Club, Bayswater Junior Footy Club, 2nd/3rd Bayswater Scouts, The Basin Footy Club, Bayswater Strikers FC and Bayswater Park Cricket Club to name a few

✅ $89,000 for brand new, state of the art cricket nets at Miller Park.

✅ $8 million for a new competition grade gym and performing arts facility Heathmont College

✅ Delivered a major upgrade to the Canterbury and Bedford Road intersection

✅ Delivering over $7 billion to rebuild our mental health system from the ground up and committed to adopting all 65 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System

✅ $300,000 has been delivered for a new (and overdue) female-friendly modular pavilion and an upgrade to the existing pavilion for the grassroots clubs playing out at Marie Wallace Park reserve in Baysie

✅ $170,000 to back in The Basin Football Netball Club with new facilities at Batterham Park

✅ $60,000 for new lighting across both greens at Boronia Bowls Club

✅ Nearly $300,000 to deliver major upgrades to the Shree Swaminarayan Temple in Boronia to support our local Indian and proud multicultural community

✅ Putting over 700,000 solar panels and batteries on roofs and thousands already locally

✅ Over $500,000 in multicultural grants to local community groups.

✅ Over 3600 extra police to help keep us safe

✅ A new dog park and upgrades to the existing playground at Wantirna Reserve

✅ $100,000 to back in St. Andrews Cricket Club to help deliver new practice nets, with a new five bay synthetic cricket training facility with retractable side curtain netting

✅ Secured $891,000 to expand a crucial family violence early intervention service for women and children to the Knox Local Government Area for at least the next 3 years.

✅ Helping you find a better deal on your energy bills via the Energy Compare website

✅ $1.32 million for Boronia Heights Primary School to build new ovals

✅ $125,000 for new competition grade lights for Milpera Reserve

✅ $100,000 to back in Bayswater Cricket Club to redevelop the existing five nets into a six net cricket training facility – with two enclosed publicly accessible synthetic wickets

✅ A brand new, state of the art, female friendly pavilion officially opened at Colchester Reserve

✅ $90,000 for Better Nets for Ferntree Gully Cricket Club at Dobson Park

✅ Almost $500,000 for Wantirna South Primary School for a massive upgrade to student amenities and bathrooms!

✅ $150,000 for new, competition grade lights at Guy Turner Reserve, in Bayswater, to benefit Bayswater Strikers FC and Bayswater Park Cricket Club

✅ $130,000 for Ferntree Gully North Primary School in Planned Maintenance Funding, for essential upgrades in and around the school.

✅ Over $500,000 for new toilets at Marlborough Primary and Bayswater West Primary Schools

✅ $50,000 to support the fit out of the pavilion at Fairpark Reserve Pavilion in Ferntree Gully

✅ Over $3 million in Inclusive Schools and Equipment Funding and Planned Maintenance Funding across local schools including at Bayswater West Primary, Boronia K-12, Fairhills Primary, Knox Central Primary, Regency Park Primary and more

✅ Tens of thousands of enrolments in Free Priority TAFE Courses

✅ $2 million for pavilion upgrades at Wally Tew Reserve in Ferntree Gully

✅ Rolling out the Container Deposit Scheme and the biggest reform to our recycling industry in a generation to help protect our environment

✅ Record funding to help support the prevention of family violence in our community

✅ $100,000 for new, state of the art cricket nets for Bayswater Park Cricket Club at Guy Turner Reserve, Bayswater.

✅ $1.56 million to upgrade and refurbish Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School in Bayswater.

✅ Almost $65,000 in community safety grants including new lights for better safety at Marie Wallace Reserve in Bayswater

✅ $155,000 to deliver a brand new, state of the art synthetic green for Heathmont Bowls Club

✅ Committed to Net Zero Emissions by 2045 and 95% Renewable Energy by 2035

✅ Delivering the Metro Tunnel and the Suburban Rail Loop to get you home sooner

✅ Over 300,000 free brekkies and lunches served in Bayswater schools as a part of the Breakfast Club program

✅ Completion of the daylighting of Blind Creek at Fair Park

✅ $5.7 million for a huge upgrade at Eastern Ranges School, Ferntree Gully

✅ Rolling out Dental Vans at every government school saving families around $400 per year per child

✅ $250,000 in funding delivered for the redevelopment of the train park in Bayswater

✅ Close to $1,000,000 in grants to local businesses

✅ $100,000 to upgrade the Bayswater 1st Scout Hall delivered

✅I’ll always be out in our community, supporting our hospitals, our schools and our grassroots clubs. As well as delivering local road and public transport projects and delivering local jobs.

… And much, much more!
